There are dozens of things that can affect the way a potential home buyer feels about a home almost immediately upon entering... messy rooms, distasteful odors, mismatched furniture. Any buyer who gets such a first impression oftentimes will prefer to spend as little time as possible in a home; in just a few seconds, a buyer may decide that the place is just not for them.
But there are also aspects of how a home is presented that are not quite as obvious, too. Understanding the psychology of the homebuyer is imperative to have a market ready house. Research has revealed that 80% of potential buyers know if a house is the right fit for them as soon as they step inside.
Here are a few factors potential homebuyers are likely to consider subconsciously when determining which home to buy.
When homebuyers drive up to your home, the first thing they notice is your home exterior. Make sure to improve your curb appeal by updating your home exterior before showing it. Clean the clutter (children's bikes put away) and add natural plants on the pathway and porch.
Homeowners want to be able to visualize living in the house they are considering for purchase. So, it is in your best interest to make a home look spacious and bright. Open the windows to let natural light filter through and remove all unnecessary objects and furniture. You can read more about this in our Get Your House Market Ready System.
Less is more when it comes to having a house market ready. Removing photos of your family from the walls and mantel, fridge magnets, and children's toys, will ensure that home buyers will have a much better chance of envisioning themselves living in the home, and not someone else’s family.
Helping your sellers understand these simple techniques will not only help them sell their home faster, but very often for much more money.
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